from Shakthi Vaidya... Here are a few things that you can do post-treatment.

If you are able to, rest. Your body was undergoing its healing processes while you were on the treatment with Acupuncture needles in it and the healing process will continue. If you are unable to rest, it is also okay to go back to work but remember to take it easy.
2. Moxabustion.
Apply moxibustion 3x on each point moving down the body.
Ren 12

Ren 8

ST 25

Ren 4

Ba Feng

KD 1

3. Apply a heating pad to your lower back.
A heating pad boosts the circulation of blood throughout the body. This allows nutrients and oxygen to reach the desired area and flush out any toxins which can promote healing.
It is always a great idea to use the heating pad in the mornings and at night if you are able to.
A heating pad can also be used as a preventative measure to increase circulation to areas of your body that are used often.
4. Stretch and strengthen your lower back and feet. Here are a few of my favorite stretches:
Stretch: Lower Trunk Rotation
Instruction: Start with the back flat and hips and knees at 90 degrees of flexion (90/90). The patient places their arms out to the sides and rotates their knees fully to the left and then follows by going to the right. Abdominals remain engaged to avoid lumbar extension and knees should remain together. Movements should be slow. For a warm-up, only go the part range and then progress to end range rotations. The therapist may add neck rotation to the opposite side to increase rotation. Shoulders should stay in contact with the surface.
Parameters: Repeat 10 to 20 times, 1 to 3 times per day
Stretch: Double Knee to Chest
Instructions: In supine, bring one bent knee to the chest and hold the knee with an ipsilateral hand. Then slowly bring up the other knee to the chest and hold the knee with an ipsilateral hand
Parameters: Hold for 15 to 30 seconds 3 to 5 repetitions, 1 to 3 times per day
Range of Motion Exercise: Ankle/ Foot, Alphabet, Active
Instruction: Patient extends knee to lift the foot off the floor and, keeping leg still, moves foot, drawing each letter of the alphabet with tip of toe acting as the end of a pencil.
Parameters: A to Z, may also do lower case a to z, repeat 1 to 3 times per day
Stretch: Calf on Step
Instruction: Gastrocnemius focus, unilateral: The patient stands on the step so that the target heel is off the step while the other foot remains planted on the step. The patient drops the target heel down toward the floor, keeping the knee extended until the stretch felt. The leg remaining on the step can flex at the hip and knee:
(A). Soleus focus, unilateral: The patient stands on the step so that the target heel is off the step while the other foot remains planted on the step. The patient bends the target knee, keeping the knee a
ligned with the hip and ankle while dropping the target heel down toward the floor until the stretch is felt. The leg remaining on the step can flex at the hip and knee
(B). Gastrocnemius focus, bilateral: Patient stands on the step so that both heels are off the step. The patient drops both heels down toward the floor, keeping knees extended until the stretch felt
(C). Soleus focus, bilateral: Patient stands on the step so that both heels are off the step. The patient flexes both knees and drops both heels down toward the floor, keeping knees extended until the stretch felt
Parameters: Hold for 15 to 30 seconds, 3 to 5 repetitions, 1 to 3 times per day
Stretch: Plantar Fascia Soft Tissue Release With Tennis Ball
Instruction: The patient positions the arch of the foot on top of a tennis ball and presses down while rolling the arch over the ball from the distal portion of the calcaneus to the metatarsal heads.
Parameters: Massage 2 to 5 minutes, 1 to 3 times per day
5. Drink some anti-inflammatory teas.
If you have been given an herbal formula remember to drink it as instructed. Remember, please do not add anything to the formulas. It is beautifully balanced and adding another ingredient will change its therapeutic effects of it.
If you would like to take an herbal formula, please reach out to me so that in your next visit, I can order one for you.
Here is a list of my favorites.
Licorice Root
Tulsi aka Holy Basil
Green Tea
Chamomile (Preferably at night)
Remember it is best to drink loose-leaf teas since many of the tea packets contain plastic.

Source: Bryan, Elizab
eth. " The Comprehensive Manual of Therapeutic Exercises."
Disclaimer: This post is for educational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Please work with your licensed healthcare provider with any conditionals regarding a medical condition.